The Cooperator
The Co-op & Condo Monthly
December, 2001/January, 2002
The Academy for Continuing Education (ACE) presented its fall session to
a large audience made up of many of New York City’s top brokers, who attending the 22.5-hour continuing education program, as required by the New York state for license renewal.
The course was held at the Hotel Delmonico, 59th…
Mann Report
January, 2002
In conjunction with the continuing education classes for the New York State broker’s license, the Academy for Continuing Education (ACE), under the direction of Esther Muller, hosted its first New York Residential Real Estate Mini-Expo, at the Hotel Delmonico, for agents and the real estate community.
Situated in an area adjacent to the classroom,…
Mann Report
January, 2002
With an immediate need for more than 8,000 new teachers in the New York City public school system, educator Esther Muller has teamed up with the Board of Education and Goodstein Realty to make affordable housing available to entry-level teachers from across the country. Muller has developed the concept as a means to…
Mann Report
January, 2002
The Academy for Continuing Education (ACE) presented its fall session to a large audience made up of many of New York City’s top brokers, who attended the 22.5-hour continuing education program, as required by New York State for license renewal, announces Esther Muller, ACE president.
The course was held at the Hotel Delmonico, 59th…
Real Estate Weekly
January 16, 2002
Esther Muller, president of the Academy for Continuing Education and principals of Goodstein Realty have joined forces with the New York City Board of Education to provide affordable housing for qualified teachers
willing to relocate to New York City and join the public school system.
The first phase of the program concentrates on…
Get Your License in Just Two 3-Day Weekends!
The Learning Annex
March/April, 2002
If you’ve been toying with the idea of getting your license and cashing in on the great money to be made in real estate, here’s the perfect opportunity.
This six-session course is held over two consecutive weekends. It fulfills
the 45-hour class credits required by the state,…
The Learning Annex
May/June, 2002
With nearly 300 classes, seminars and workshops presented every month, I obviously can’t attend everything! But I do try and go to as many as I can… and for the past few weeks, I’ve been going to a different class almost every night. Whether there are 30 or 300 in…
Get Your License in Just Two 3-Day Weekends!
The Learning Annex
June, 2002
If you’ve been toying with the idea of getting your license and cashing in on the great money to be made in real estate, here’s the perfect opportunity.
This six-session course is held over two consecutive weekends. It fulfills
the 45-hour class credits required by the state,…
August, 2002
The school year is kicking off and thousands of new teachers and principals coming to New York City from around the world need a fast break to get good housing. A city program matches the hires and provides some guarantees for property owners who may otherwise not rent to those with no city roots.
By Elaine Misonzhnik
Real Estate Weekly
September 25, 2002
It might be a sincere wish to help New York City with its public school crisis,
or it might be just a convenient way to get more tenants. In either case, Roseland Management Company’s decision to aid out-of-state teachers
with their search for housing seems like a shrewd marketing strategy.
Roseland is…
By Trish Hall
The New York Times
October 6, 2002
JODY BILLINGSLEY and MARYANN MORGAN both graduated from Simon Fraser University in Vancouver last year, and both wanted to be teachers.
But jobs in Vancouver were scarce, so the two college roommates had to settle for taking work as substitutes, when they could find it.
One day, however, they saw…
Real Estate Weekly
May 7, 2003
June 11, 18 & 25 – From 9 a.m. to 5 p.m., Esther Muller's Real Estate Division of the Academy for Continuing Education is offering a 22.5 hour required course for re-licensing. Join prominent real estate professionals for presentations and discussions on current and emerging issues facing the New York real…